A New Year and A New Adventure
With the sale of Our Urban Farm in Minnesota coming together (closing scheduled for December 29!) we are looking ahead with excitement to all of the fun projects we are planning as we design a much bigger Urban Farm in Montpelier, Vermont. There are gardens to design, yoga spaces to create, cannabis licenses to get (we have some particularly exciting ideas about that!), and of course, wells to drill, paths to make through the beautiful woods, hot tub(s) (wood-fired) to design, houses to build and so much more. On most days it is hard to keep our minds calm because of all of the creative energy surrounding all of these fun opportunities. There are currently more questions than answers.
Can we heat a hot tub really fast with a wood burning rocket mass stove? Can we heat our greenhouse with a mass stove and keep it toasty warm through the winter? What will it be like coexisting with a whole different ecosystem that includes bear? How hard will the bike ride be up the approximately 3-blocks of “Hill Street” to our home? Will we love living in the middle of the woods that are right near the Capitol City of Vermont? Will all of the white flies we have seen when visiting Vermont decimate our cannabis grows? Or, can we find a safe, organic means of keeping them under control? How will we like having a larger flock of chickens and guinea fowl? There are so many questions! But, then again, it is our answering of those questions that will create the big adventure ahead!
With all of these unanswered questions, we know some things. Most importantly, we are very thankful to our community here in Minneapolis that has made our lives here fun and fulfilling. We have lived amazing lives for 30 years in our current wonderful home. We have done spectacular things with it and we feel truly blessed by it. We also know that the energy and passion we have brought to this place, we will pour into our new home, forest, garden and sanctuary. We also know that we will meet amazing people, and, in fact, already have.
After the closing on this house, our adventure gets started with 2 months in Palm Springs, California, where we will be staying at one of the gay-friendly resorts and teaching yoga. Then, we’ll be back in Minnesota for a couple of months before moving to Vermont. So… if you don’t hear from us very much between now and then, don’t be surprised. We will be in the middle of a wonderful adventure… an exciting way to start the new year. And, in case we do not connect, happy holidays and happy new year!