Call them like karma, or maybe like the circle of life, either way, we are celebrating the beautiful raspberry plants we grew in our garden for many years. As we make our final preparations for heading for Vermont, one of our last tasks was to get some of the plants from our old garden. Fortunately, we had shared them with many neighbors, family and friends and were able to collect some lovely plants to bring with us.
During our last trip to Vermont, we planted some raspberry seeds from our garden. Given the challenges of germinating raspberry seeds, we don’t have high hopes of them growing. We are, therefore, thrilled to have some robust plants to take with us on the road trip. Our property there has a good number of free-range raspberry plants, so we are confident these will take off once they are in the ground.
We wish we could bring all of our family and friends with us on this adventure. Since we cannot, we can, at least, bring some of our favorite garden plants!